About Us

Hey Friend!

I am so glad you are here!

For years, I have been asked the same questions:

What Bible do you recommend?

How can I get started reading my Bible?

What is the best way to journal?

Where can I get products that help share my faith?

As the podcast continued to grow, I knew that I needed to have one place online where I could not only answer those questions but also offer resources that would help you grow in your faith.

You can think of this site as an extension of the Hearing Jesus Podcast: my heart is to help you learn how to hear God’s voice more clearly. In every way. From the audio resources you hear on the podcast to the print resources I have available here on the site, everything is specially curated with you in mind. I have hand-selected everything you see and have tested the items myself in my own life. As a result, you can have the assurance of knowing that the resources I have available here are designed to help you actually live out your faith in your every day life.

As always, if you have questions about a particular resource or if you have suggestions for additional items you would like to see me carry in the shop, please reach out to support@hearingjesuspodcast.com

And remember, You. Are. So. Loved.

i'm Rachael Groll is the host of the popular Hearing Jesus Podcast and the Hearing Jesus for Kids Podcast.

Our Mission:
The mission of the Hearing Jesus Podcast is to encourage and equip you to step into the calling God has for your life, living out your faith in the everyday. Together we will break down walls that keep us from growing spiritually. We will dig deep into our Bibles to understand and connect the Scriptures to our lives. We will boldly obey what God calls us to do, walking through doors that only He can open. 

Our Vision:
Rachael longs to see a generation of women who are confident in God’s voice in their lives.